উষার দুয়ারে by Anisul Hoque
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
The problem with the book is that it takes lots of things word by word from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Autobiography. And adds very little over it.
It is better to read the first book in the planned Trilogy (3rd book yet to come) and then Sheikh Mujib's Autobiography than reading this.
Other things that are written are bland and are not written properly. The first part 'Jara Vor Enechilo' (Those Who Brought Dawn, I made this translation, not official) is ten times better than this book. And that book was written before the autobiography was published.
The extra stuff that comes out looks like text book writing than a novel. The writer should've spent more time while writing this.
I hope the third book will be as good as the first one, if not better than this.
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- 10:32:00 PM